Following a backpacking trip to South America, where she was bullied by a Shaman and contracted a parasite from eating a big ham sandwich, AMELIA NAVASCUES returns to SYDNEY FRINGE COMEDY with her sophomore hour of high-driven comedy.

“The first time I saw Amelia I felt immediately threatened. In the best way.”

- Becky Lucas

Described as “the comedic equivalent of a vodka-redbull" (On The Town) with a uniquely eccentric style, Amelia has been busy microdosing astrology after presenting her Sydney Comedy Festival and Melbourne International Comedy Festival solo-debut: BLURRIER IRL (2023). ★★★★ - Hugging Comedians  

AMELIA NAVASCUES is a Sydney-based stand up comedian who is a regular on the Australian club circuit. She has worked with comedy superstars like Em Rusciano, Mel and Sam & The Fairbairn Brothers as producer & writer for Spotify Studios, MIK Studios, ABC & Mamamia and has been the voice of 2ser 107.3’s weekly arts and culture program CARVE and heard on recurring segments for triple j.